The best way to make this site meet your needs is to ask a question. The morepeople that ask questions that I am able to answer the more people will be able to find that answer when they enter it into a search box.
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As questions get answerd I will create a FAQ page

If you have an un answerd question use the provided form to ask it. I will indevor to answer it directly and on this site for all to benefit.

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Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.

Please enter the word that you see below.


After you submit your question you will recieve a confermation page.
Next you will recieve a confermation email. This will help you remember where you asked the question.
I will try to email an answer as soon as posible, If it is a long answer you may have to falow a link back to this site to read all of it.

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