Magnet Therapy Experience

I use magnet therapy for myself and my clients every day. I constantly search for new magnets and ways to use them for best results.
As a magnet therapy user or interested person you may be interested in this content.
Hans Albert Quistorff, LMP
Antalgic Posture Pain Specialist

Mar 19, 2021

I used the Palm Mag for pain

So, my belief in magnet therapy began a couple years ago when I had a headache and neck pain for 3 days. My sister had a Palm Mag and told me to try it.

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Nov 24, 2020

I used the Palm Mag for pain

So, my belief in magnet therapy began a couple years ago when I had a headache and neck pain for 3 days. My sister had a Palm Mag and told me to try it.

Continue reading "I used the Palm Mag for pain"

Dec 04, 2013

Recomended Magnet Therapy Providers

My recomendation of magnet therapy providors that give good advice, good products, that know the research.

Continue reading "Recomended Magnet Therapy Providers"

Dec 04, 2013

I use the Medical Biomagnetic Pair daily for therapy

Magnetic Pair

I attended the Level 2 class with Dr Goiz in San Francisco a couple of years ago. During the course I had two days with terrible pain in my lower abdomen,

Continue reading "I use the Medical Biomagnetic Pair daily for therapy"

Apr 02, 2013

Frequently Asked Questions, FAQ

Submited Magnet Therapy questions answerd by a therapist

Continue reading "Frequently Asked Questions, FAQ"

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